Hellenic Antiaging Academy founded in 2001 by MD. Maria Kardasi as a non-profit association with 140 members-doctors dealing with medical aesthetics, anti-aging such as dermatologists, nutritionists, dentists, plastic surgeons, etc. Every year the academy organizes an annual conference to inform its members on the latest worldwide news in the field of anti-aging, with presentations, speeches and workshops.
ThinkBAG assigned with the rebranding of the Hellenic Antiaging Academy and the relifting of its image to its members through its annual conferences.
ThinkBAG designed and developed the new Website which comprises of:
Corporate info | Events info | Online reservations of its Events | Online payments | Private Member Area
ThinkBAG designed and printed all the marketing material needed for the Hellenic Antiaging Academy conferences.
ThinkBAG engaged the strategic on line communication & marketing of Hellenic Antiaging Academy through FaceBook.
ThinkBAG designed an animated Xmas card for mass mailing to the members of Hellenic Antiaging Academy.
Design and Printing of the conference's agenda by ThinkBAG.