Rebranding and Redesign

Rebranding and Redesign


Rebranding and Redesign

It's about redesigning the image of a product or company to make it more attractive, more successful and more contemporary.

Many reasons make it necessary to redesign a "brand" or redefine a company's position through the process of changing its brand and corporate identity:

A merger, a change in a company's shareholding, cases in which the young generation takes the lead in a family business, a marketing strategy to change a company's orientation to new markets, the creation of new products, investing in new ways of production, the decision for extroversion, the creation of a new profile of social or environmental responsibility, modernization, and the decision to keep up with the times are just some of these reasons.

The Rebranding of a company is aiming for a new period of growth through the re-emergence of relations with its audience, but it involves risk. There is the possibility that the new brand does not like consumers, contradicts the values it has previously advocated, or misleads the consumer, forcing him to change his habits. In some cases, there is a need for fundamental rebranding, while in others a more "mild" redesign of the image.

So choosing the right partner such as ThinkBAG, is imperative for any entrepreneur who is thinking about rebranding.

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